In this book, Kenji Ushiro, who is 8th dan Kyoshi of Shindo-ryu introduces the five kata of traditional Okinawan Shindo-ryu Karate as well as the accompanying basic training methods and the process for adapting the kata into forms. He also describes important principles neccessary for developing usable karate techniques.
宇城 憲治 / Ikuko Kimura / Stanley A.Pranin
定価: ¥ 2400
#宇城憲治 #宇城_憲治 #IkukoKimura #Ikuko_Kimura #StanleyAPranin #Stanley_A_Pranin #本 #生活/体育・スポーツ
【 内 容 紹 介 】
沖縄古伝空手の真髄を継承する心道流空手。沖縄古伝空手の5つの型、サンチン・ナイファンチン・パッサイ・クーサンクー・セイサンと、型から形へのプロセス、使える空手として重要な術理について述べる。 英文併記。
In this book, Kenji Ushiro, who is 8th dan Kyoshi of Shindo-ryu introduces
the five kata of traditional Okinawan Shindo-ryu Karate as well as the accompanying basic training methods and the process for adapting the kata into forms. He also describes important principles neccessary for developing usable karate techniques.
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